AquaChemical™ Systems
For High Volume Closed-Loop Wash Water Recycling
We offer microfiltration solutions for large quantity wash water systems to increase bath life and reduce wastewater disposal. Our robust systems handle over 100 gallons of wash water as hot as 200°F.
All of our AquaChemical™ systems are fabricated from the finest components, built in the USA, and carry a full one year limited warranty.

The AquaChemical™ closed-loop, microfiltration systems can filter and recycle hot (200°F), wash water solutions. They can remove emulsified oils and fine particulates from dirty wash water, while returning clean wash water with surfactants and wash chemicals to the wash tank. The AquaChemical™ systems can eliminate wastewater discharge, reduce wastewater disposal costs by over 90% and increase the useful bath life by over 10 times their current unfiltered, un-recycled bath life and reduce labor costs associated with dumping and recharging wash tanks by over 90%.
Call us today at 603-685-4108 and speak with our applications engineer or fill out the form below.
Our AquaChemical™ systems have a variety of features & benefits including:
- Increase useful wash tank life by over 10X
- Improve washing efficiency and part cleanliness
- Minimize downtime for wash tank replenishment
- Remove emulsified oils from wash solutions
- Reduce waste hauling costs
- Reduce wash chemical consumption rates
- All stainless steel piping
- Robust system design with ceramic microfilter elements to withstand temperatures of up to 200°F and pH range of 1-14
- Filter fine solids out of wash solutions to 0.2 microns
- Reduce wastewater volumes from washing operations by over 90%
- Recycle clean, reusable wash solutions
- Semi-Automatic system operation
- Long membrane life, i.e. over 5 years
Call us today at 603-685-4108 and speak with our applications engineer or fill out the form below.