AquaDischarge® Systems
For pH Adjustment, Metals Removal & Terpene Separation
Click Here for Oily Wastewater Solutions
Separation Technologists provides wastewater treatment solutions for manufacturers with wastewater requiring pH adjustment and metals removal.
All of our systems are fabricated from the finest components, built in the USA, and carry a full one year limited warranty.

Our AquaDischarge® systems can be used to treat wastewater prior to discharging to a municipal treatment facility. One facet of this system is pH adjustment for numerous waste streams. Additionally, the AquaDischarge® system can include adsorbent ion exchange resins to safely remove toxic metals without the need for chemical addition or filtration. In some cases, membrane filtration is incorporated to remove sub-micron particles from wastewater, prior to final treatment with selective metals removal resin. AquaDischarge® units with proprietary specialized equipment have also been designed to remove terpene solvents from wastewater.
Call us today at 603-685-4108 and speak with our applications engineer or fill out the form below.
Our AquaDischarge® systems have a variety of features & benefits including:
- pH neutralization to meet discharge regulations
- Removal of toxic metals from wastewater to meet or exceed discharge regulations without chemical addition or precipitation
- Precision control of metering pumps for pH neutralization
- Data acquisition packages available
- Terpene solvent removal from water
- Arsenic removal (both arsenite and arsenate)
- Metals removal: Copper, Selenium, Lead, Silver
- Custom engineered systems available
Call us today at 603-685-4108 and speak with our applications engineer or fill out the form below.